0800 028 2004

Case Studies

Reasons For Release

Dream Holiday

Dream Holiday

The Reason

Mr & Mrs. Hawkshore approached us with the aspirations of travelling the world and sampling the culture of all six continents in the world.

Product Chosen

More2life - Tailored Choice Enhanced Lifetime Mortgage

Paid Off Debts

Paid Off Debts

The Reason

Mr. Simons had a remaining mortgage on his property with interest rates that he could no longer keep up with due to increasing health bills.

Product Chosen

Just Retirement - Lump Sum Plus

New Car

New Car

The Reason

Mr. Wilkins' main purpose for releasing equity was to buy and assemble his childhood dream model car.

Product Chosen

One Family - Lump Sum Lite

University Fees

University Fees

The Reason

Mr & Mrs. Billington wanted to help their beloved grandson into their preferred choice of university which came with added tuition and accommodation fees.

Product Chosen

Aviva - Lifestyle Enhanced Lifetime Mortgage